Wheel Alignment

Signs your car needs wheel alignment.

Wheel alignment is a very important aspect of maintaining both your vehicle and tyres.
Wheel alignment settings are affected by everyday driving, hitting potholes and kerbs. Having regular wheel alignment restores the correct settings for your vehicle which in turn enables it to perform as it should, ensuring it’s safe and enjoyable to drive.
When you’re getting new tyres fitted, it’s always a good idea to get your alignment checked as this will make sure your new tyres perform at their best and wear evenly.

What is Wheel Alignment?
Did you know that the wheels on you vehicle aren’t designed to be straight? When engineers design & build a vehicle they don’t design it with completely straight wheels. They see the benefit of using subtle improvements to help improve the drive, stability and cornering of the vehicle. The angles they use in the design of a vehicle determine the vehicle’s wheel alignment. Wheel alignment settings vary depending on the vehicle model & year of manufacture.
The alignment settings can be split into 3 categories:
- Camber
- Toe
- Caster



Why do I need wheel alignment?
Regular wheel alignment is vital for ensuring that your tyres last as long as possible and your vehicle handles correctly. We know how important wheel alignment is, which is why we’ve invested over ¼ million pounds installing the very latest wheel alignment systems in our branches. This specialist technology allows our technicians to carry out the most accurate wheel alignment available.
We recommend you get your alignment checked around every 3 – 6 months and also if:
- You’ve knowing hit a kerb or pothole
- You’re having new tyres fitted
- You’ve had steering or suspension parts replaced

Signs of incorrect wheel alignment
There are a few signs to look out for that indicate your alignment may need adjusting.
These include:
- A steering wheel that isn’t straight
- Your vehicle pulling to one side whilst driving
- Tyres wearing more on one side than the other
If you suspect your vehicle needs the wheel alignment adjusting then book in for a free alignment check at your local branch. We can then check your vehicle’s angles against the vehicle manufacturer settings and advise you on the best course of action.
Hunter Wheel Alignment
We insist on having only the very best alignment technology in our branches. The vast majority of our workshops have Hunter wheel alignment technology which is frequently updated to ensure we have access to the latest settings for new vehicles and updated models.
All our branches offer free alignment checks and are able to show you on screen the wheel alignment for your vehicle and point out any adjustments that are necessary. If you decide to go ahead with wheel alignment adjustments we can supply you with before & after printouts for your records.
If you’d like more information or advice on wheel alignment please don’t hesitate to contact your local branch by calling 0345 2997 955

Book Wheel Alignment
Booking wheel alignment online is quick & easy. Simply select an alignment service and book a convenient time at your local branch.
You’ll pay in the branch after the alignment has been carried out and you’ll only pay for the adjustments carried out.

Alignment Check
Full Vehicle geometry inspection only including print out of results.

Front wheel alignment
Front toe angles adjusted and steering wheel centralised using the very latest technology. Full before and after reports provided

Four wheel alignment
Front and rear toe angles adjusted and steering wheel centralised using the very latest technology. Full before and after reports provided