When you have a flat tyre and no spare wheel

Flat tyre no spare

When you have a flat tyre and no spare wheel

Having a flat tyre is stressful at the best of times, but what do you do if you find yourself with a punctured tyre and no spare wheel? With 90% of new cars now manufactured without a spare wheel it’s a common problem for drivers across the UK.

As an alternative to a heavy & bulky spare wheel, car designers are opting for a tyre sealant kit for the driver to use if they find themselves with a punctured tyre. These tyre repair kits provide a temporary flat tyre repair to enable the driver to get safely to their nearest garage.

So if your car is equipped with a tyre sealant kit then find out how to use it, how it works and what to do if you’ve used it and need to replace it.

What is a tyre sealant?

The tyre sealant is an adhesive gel that is injected into the punctured tyre via the valve. Sometimes referred to as “tyre-weld” the sealant works by filling the tyre with sticky adhesive and sealing the puncture. The tyre repair kit will contain a cannister of sealant and a compressor to reinflate the tyre.

How well this temporary puncture repair works will depend on how the tyre has been punctured and how much it’s been driven on since.

How long does tyre sealant last?

It’s important to remember that the sealant compound will eventually deteriorate, so each canister has an expiry date printed on it.  There’s nothing worse than experiencing a puncture to find that your emergency repair solution is out of date.

The GemSeal tyre sealant we supply has a shelf life of 3-4 years.

Tyre sealant being used on tyre

Replacing your tyre sealant

If you’ve used your tyre sealant or it’s out of date then you’ll need to replace it as soon as possible. However, you don’t need to go directly to the vehicle manufacturers to do this as there are many suitable tyre sealant kits on the market.

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The tyre sealant we recommend is GemSeal from autogem. This sealant is suitable for all vehicles and has the advantage of being easily washed out which means using it won’t prevent a tyre repair being carried out.

It is non toxic, non corrosive, TPMS safe and approved by the largest automotive manufacturers in the world.

How to use tyre sealant

Gemseal instructions step 1
Gemseal instructions step 3
Gemseal instructions step 4
Gemseal instructions step 5
Gemseal instructions step 6